On the move 6th April 2016

Today we've had three more photos from Tim of NB Oleanna being put onto a low loader to travel to Sheffield. The hull will be finished off and then all the fit out will begin.

Cabin sides and roof welded in place
The cabin sides and the roof have been welded into position. The rear rubbing strakes welded around the stern. The piece of box section across the back opening is what in the theatre world we'd call a travelling batten. As we are having a semi trad stern there will be no roof on this last section of cabin sides, so the batten is there to keep the structure in position as it is lifted onto the low loader.
Two fork lifts position NB Oleanna onto the lorry.
The shell lifted into the air whilst the lorry backs in under it.
Here you can see that the grab rail has been formed and sits higher than the curved roof. The front bulk head will be added in Sheffield along with the bow rubbing strakes. It is interesting that the full sheet of the base plate is still attached and has not been cut away. I am assuming this is for extra strength whilst she is moved around and across the country. The diagonals that you can see inside the cabin are also kept on for support and to keep the structure square until the front bulk head is welded into position.

On 23rd March she made the journey across the Pennines to Sheffield to Jonathan's yard where we hope to see her soon.

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